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Healthcare Annual Planning: Time for a Digital Makeover?

Have you worked on your strategies? BHAAV, an Integrated Healthcare Marketing Agency helps healthcare organisations to evaluate their past performance, identify grey areas, and put forward the correction course required. 

Here are some tips from BHAAV to help you assess your strengths and weaknesses. It’s a chance to stay a step ahead of others.

  • Organise your Digital Presence

From our experience, your digital presence is not something to be messed with. The start of a healthcare journey, the first thing that you need is an efficient and easy to understand website. The last thing a patient wants is disorganised, incomplete, or poorly presented information. Present your information in the simplest form possible and integrate the branding efforts with it.

  • Align your Strategy with your Marketing Efforts

All sown seeds don’t reap fruits is as true as the strategies adopted by you. Depending upon your marketing operations, only a few strategies will complement your growth. Choose strategies wisely and based upon your marketing operations. You should know the answers to the following for that:

  • How strong is your database and are leads converting into patients?
  • Are your patient acquisition costs sustainable?
  • Is paid traffic converting to leads? 
  • Do you have a strong brand presence?

Be true to your business, while answering these. 

  • A Strong SEO Strategy

A correct combination of SEO strategy and content is very important to help rank your keywords. Many tools are available to give you baseline information about your SEO health. It takes time to generate healthy site traffic. Update your business listing, create the location page, redefine your local keyword strategy, revamp your services pages with fresh content, this will boost your local search strategy.  

  • Understand the Entire Funnel 

Patients’ trajectories can never be mapped. The key is to understand patients’ intent and how well can you provide them that service. The Top Funnel is Brand Awareness & Demand Generation. It’s all about answering questions and educating them about their problems. The Middle Funnel is their OPD’s visit. Here they want more knowledge about the procedure, their symptoms, and your practices. The Bottom Tunnel is to convert those leads into new patients and create loyalty by giving them an outstanding patient experience. 

Access what the data is telling you as it is exactly what the new patients are looking for. This way you can rectify things if your set strategies are not working. This is the brief account of what BHAAV has to offer you in terms of strategizing your digital marketing efforts.

To know or learn more, connect with us today!

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